How can there be thousands of different opinions on the topic and there be only one right way? There can't be. They all work when one thing is applied to all of them, regardless of the exact approach.
It's "Consistency" that plays the biggest role in obtaining results.
What makes a successful diet work? Adherence to a plan. That's right, a "by the numbers" approach to eating. A Plan. Just like the Chandler Boot Camp nutrition plan that's part of our boot camp clients program.
A shotgun approach to your eating will provide nothing but frustration and a larger waistline. The yo-yo approach is a surefire way to sabotage your results and decrease your overall health.
Why is it that we have so many options, yet we (as a society), are the largest we've ever been? How can that be?
We've got low sugar, non-fat, low sodium, fat free, zero trans fat, zero net
carbohydrates, fortified this and sugar free that.
It's enough to make you crazy!!
Diet and supplement manufactures would like you to believe that there's a "magic" substance you can take and everything will just fall into place...and that's just plain nonsense.
What we're really talking about here is making some lifestyle modifications. Getting yourself into the shape you want requires you to modify what you're currently doing and develop some staying power. Whether that's taking on the challenge of our Chandler Boot Camp fitness programs or another fitness program.
Any successful fitness or nutrition program is a series of events all linked together to create a synergy. Results with your fitness and nutrition are merely a byproduct of the proper actions taken consistently over a period of time.
For some, that synergy takes a bit longer than it does for others. BUT who cares!
All that matters is that it works 100% of the time. Yes, 100%. Not 50, not 90, but 100%. The reason it does is because the steps below have been proven with real people taking these precise steps. Over 15 years and well over 1000 personal training clients later...this is the real deal.
Achieving any goal and especially those that involve your fitness, require a mental shift. So many of us get hung up on the reasons we "can't" achieve our goals.
Below, you'll be provided with the mental side, because for most, that's what's limiting their results.
Do you want to know what those mental steps are?
Here's your success steps for achieving your fitness goals...
You see, it's not about the diet or the exercise routine for a lot of us. It's what's between our ears. If you can get control over your mental approach, you will achieve every single fitness goal you set for yourself.
Follow the steps above to pencil out your fitness success road map. After you're finished getting the details down on paper, start mapping out the necessary steps needed to accomplish your goals.
You can find those steps within this site. Look for other articles on cleaning up your nutrition, maximizing your metabolism and using exercise as the catalyst to a healthier body.