Thursday, August 13, 2009

Chandler Boot Camp Nutritional Roadmap

Which one of the nutrition gurus is right when it comes to losing weight?

How can there be thousands of different opinions on the topic and there be only one right way? There can't be. They all work when one thing is applied to all of them, regardless of the exact approach.

It's "Consistency" that plays the biggest role in obtaining results.

What makes a successful diet work? Adherence to a plan. That's right, a "by the numbers" approach to eating. A Plan. Just like the Chandler Boot Camp nutrition plan that's part of our boot camp clients program.

A shotgun approach to your eating will provide nothing but frustration and a larger waistline. The yo-yo approach is a surefire way to sabotage your results and decrease your overall health.

Why is it that we have so many options, yet we (as a society), are the largest we've ever been? How can that be?

We've got low sugar, non-fat, low sodium, fat free, zero trans fat, zero net
carbohydrates, fortified this and sugar free that.

It's enough to make you crazy!!

Diet and supplement manufactures would like you to believe that there's a "magic" substance you can take and everything will just fall into place...and that's just plain nonsense.

What we're really talking about here is making some lifestyle modifications. Getting yourself into the shape you want requires you to modify what you're currently doing and develop some staying power. Whether that's taking on the challenge of our Chandler Boot Camp fitness programs or another fitness program.

Any successful fitness or nutrition program is a series of events all linked together to create a synergy. Results with your fitness and nutrition are merely a byproduct of the proper actions taken consistently over a period of time.

For some, that synergy takes a bit longer than it does for others. BUT who cares!

All that matters is that it works 100% of the time. Yes, 100%. Not 50, not 90, but 100%. The reason it does is because the steps below have been proven with real people taking these precise steps. Over 15 years and well over 1000 personal training clients later...this is the real deal.

Achieving any goal and especially those that involve your fitness, require a mental shift. So many of us get hung up on the reasons we "can't" achieve our goals.

Below, you'll be provided with the mental side, because for most, that's what's limiting their results.

Do you want to know what those mental steps are?

Here's your success steps for achieving your fitness goals...

  • Decide what you want to achieve - List out your top fitness and/or health goals. It's estimated that less than 3% of the population has their goals written out.

  • Write down WHY you want to achieve these goals - Having a why is the missing ingredient in most goal setting. If you don't know why, then there's no emotion attached to the goal.

  • Write down "HOW" you'll feel once you've accomplished your goals - Get specific. Visualize how you'll feel and really put yourself in the "having achieved" mindset.

  • Read your goals at least twice per day - Once when you get up in the morning and another before you hit the sack.

  • Program your subconscious for success - Before falling asleep each night, mentally rehearse the feelings you have accomplishing your fitness goals.

  • Take Action - Each an every day take action towards your goals.

  • You see, it's not about the diet or the exercise routine for a lot of us. It's what's between our ears. If you can get control over your mental approach, you will achieve every single fitness goal you set for yourself.

    Follow the steps above to pencil out your fitness success road map. After you're finished getting the details down on paper, start mapping out the necessary steps needed to accomplish your goals.

    You can find those steps within this site. Look for other articles on cleaning up your nutrition, maximizing your metabolism and using exercise as the catalyst to a healthier body.

    Tuesday, August 11, 2009

    Chandler Boot Camp Fat Loss Intervals

    If you're tired of not seeing results from your regular old
    cardio routine, then it's time to get out of that fat loss
    rut with what we call "HIMIC" conditioning.

    High Intensity Metabolic Interval Circuits...H.I.M.I.C.

    Here's what I'm talking about when it comes to igniting
    your metabolism by utilizing this form of intense fat loss

    This isn't a complicated routine that requires all kinds of
    machines....all you'll need are two pieces of equipment.

    A jump rope and a pair of dumbbells. That's it.

    With just these two pieces of equipment,there are dozens
    and dozens of combination's you can do to perform your

    We'll start with one highly effective Chandler Boot Camp
    fat loss HIMIC that will not only leave you with a much
    higher fitness capacity, but a much leaner, tone, sexy
    body.'s your exercise combination.

    50 Jump Rope - performed forwards
    10 Dumbbell Squat Presses
    50 Jump Rope - performed backwards
    10 Dumbbell High Pulls

    Perform the above HIMIC all the way through,
    then take a 30-45 second rest before performing
    it again.

    Continue to perform your rounds along with
    your rest period for as many rounds as you
    can for 10-20 minutes.

    As you become more fit and increase your fitness capacity,
    you're ability to push harder and faster through your
    rounds will improve.

    Be sure to work through each exercise with a full range
    of motion and transition quickly from one exercise to
    the next with minimum rest.

    Keep tabs on your rest periods as they tend to increase
    as you get fatigued and the idea is to keep to the
    30-45 second rest period as close as possible.

    Here's a brief demonstration video of dumbbell
    high pulls from above.

    Learn more about our unique approach to fat loss
    and living a healthy "boot camp fitness" lifestyle
    at our Chandler Boot Camp website.

    Saturday, August 08, 2009

    Making time for boot camp results...

    Getting in shape when your schedule is jam packed with other family and work related functions can be quite a challenge. Over the decade that I've been in the fitness industry, I've heard just about every possible reason why there's a lack of time.

    Every single person is given the exact same amount of time in a day...24 hours. In other aspects of our lives, we aren't given the same circumstances, but with our available time, it's exactly the same for each one of us. With that said, it's not really how much time we have available to us, but what we do with that time that really counts.

    What do you want to accomplish? If it's to get back into some "skinny jeans" or lose 50lbs or maybe even just lose the last 10 pounds...then you must prioritize your time that you have available.

    One way to "make" more time is to get to sleep earlier each day and wake up a little earlier. Yeah, you may lose a little sleep, but the rewards of accomplishing your workout program each day is enough to outweigh the little sleep that your losing.

    Participating in our Chandler or Gilbert boot camps has been the fat loss solution for hundreds of women over the last 4 years. Offering our 5:30am time allows women to get in and get a ridiculous boot camp workout that revs their metabolism for hours and hours even after they've completed it.

    Boot camp results can be fast and exceed most other fitness programs. Our chandler boot camps are geared to maximize the time we spend for maximum impact on fat loss results and for increasing fitness capacity. Whether you're looking for a fat loss program or an exercise program that increases fitness capacity quickly, our bootcamps are highly effective.

    To learn more about our east valley boot camps in Chandler and Gilbert, simply visit our website and rad what so many other women have to say about their boot camp experience:

    Tuesday, August 04, 2009

    Jaw Dropping Results from Gilbert Boot Camps!

    Getting fitness results from any boot camp program requires certain behaviors. Of those behaviors, consistency is at the top. No exercise or bootcamp program will yield any results if the program isn't followed on a consistent matter what those that like to "HYPE" their programs have to say.

    Fat loss comes from consistently (daily) following through with your planned fitness program and adhering to your sound nutritional in and day out!

    No secrets, no high tech gadgets, no pills or powders...just the determination to follow a sound structured fitness program and adhere to a supportive nutritional plan. Results can be very simple, but that doesn't mean they are attained easily.

    Gilbert Boot Camp programs are no different in the fact that they still require you to follow the program on a daily basis and attend 3-5 times per week. Within our community of bootcampers is the support you need to keep pushing forward towards your goals. Several hundred people strong can't be wrong. Gilbert Boot Camps offer the unmatched support you need to finally get in shape and realize your bodies full potential.

    For more information on our Chandler or Gilbert Boot Camps...visit our website to read more and read what so many other Chandler and Gilbert women have to say about their experience attending our boot camps.