Are you fed up with not feeling yourself due to stress and tension? There are some natural remedies you can do to help combat these issues. Chandler boot camp has women releasing stress the natural way by exercising in a positive and friendly environment. Staying 'stressful' can ultimately affect your mood, health, productivity, and can effect your relationships. A few side affects to on-going stress can be depression and elevated blood pressure. We all have some form of stress in our daily lives. It's the body's natural way to trying to keep you safe known as the fight or flight response. But beyond a certian point it can cause damage to your health.
Intense physical exercise like you would find at Chandler bootcamp is the best way to naturally and safely relieve stress, and is great for releasing frustrations. Again, Chandler boot camps can offer you workouts that are helpful in releasing stored up negative feelings. Take your mind off of what ever is stressing you out with a rigorous workout and a change of scenery. Good old exercise increases the production of endorphins, the body's natural way of feeling good, while alleviating stress hormones. Your muscles work hard during weight lifting, and they release energy that has been stored up. It's easy to see that by working out and getting in shape not only improves your well being, but it also makes you fit, healthy, and happy. Exercising in Chandler bootcamps will help you to look and feel your best.
When you exercise, it can also boost your self confidence and esteem. Women feel better about themselves and feel a sense of accomplishment by exercising in a positive and fun camp atmosphere. Chandler boot camp provides a positive place where women can work on enhancing their body image by dropping fat and replacing it with lean sculpted muscles. Don't neglect the importance of taking care of your mind and body.
Join other women and use exercise as a natural way to release frustrations and stress. Reconnect your mind and body and release stress the natural way at Chandler Bootcamps!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Women Need to Lift Weights

Women these days are too afraid to use weights during their workouts because they buy into the myth that somehow when they're done using weights, they will in some way, shape, or form resemble the incredible hulk. That just isn't so. A woman's body isn't made up the same way as a man's, for obvious reasons. Let me reiterate that women do not have levels of testosterone as men do, or other genetic features that would cause them to bulk up quickly. The women who do have bulky muscles have to actually try really hard to get that look.
Loss of muscle mass is unfortunately part of the natural aging process. This is concerning for women who are aging since they are likely to develop osteopenia or worse yet, osteoporosis which can prevent women from doing basic daily activities as they grow older. But women who train with weights and strengthen not only their muscles but their bones as well, can prevent these damaging effects on their bodies.
You could be one of those women who has discovered that for some reason, due to age, the hip and stomach area has, enlarged over time. Or maybe your body has become large all over. When you combine aging with being inactive, it results in loss of muscle mass as fat cells increase, and of course by not eating a proper diet. Women are getting rid of fat and reving up their metabolism by participating in Chandler Boot Camp and of course, they are training with weights.
Exercise is important to anyone, especially when using weights no matter what age you are. Strength training helps women increase not only muscle size, but strength as well. 'Lean body mass' is also known as the muscle mass created by lifting weights. As you can see, it's important for every women to add in some type of weight lifting into their workout program, just like you would find at one of the Chandler boot camps. If you exercise by only running or walking fast, that won't increase your muscle mass, however it will burn calories. Your metabolism also diminishes with loss of muscle mass. Over time, all this adds up to an out of shape and over weight body with weakened bones. That doesn't sound very appealing.
What have you learned? At any age, it truly is never too late to start lifting weights to get those muscles firm. Don't let foolish thinking slow down the progress you could make by lifting some weights. It's not just for men. Every woman should incorporate some weights into their daily fitness routine for health reasons alone, just like current clients in Chandler bootcamp.
Learn more fitness tips from the Chandler Personal Trainers in Chandler bootcamps!
Loss of muscle mass is unfortunately part of the natural aging process. This is concerning for women who are aging since they are likely to develop osteopenia or worse yet, osteoporosis which can prevent women from doing basic daily activities as they grow older. But women who train with weights and strengthen not only their muscles but their bones as well, can prevent these damaging effects on their bodies.
You could be one of those women who has discovered that for some reason, due to age, the hip and stomach area has, enlarged over time. Or maybe your body has become large all over. When you combine aging with being inactive, it results in loss of muscle mass as fat cells increase, and of course by not eating a proper diet. Women are getting rid of fat and reving up their metabolism by participating in Chandler Boot Camp and of course, they are training with weights.
Exercise is important to anyone, especially when using weights no matter what age you are. Strength training helps women increase not only muscle size, but strength as well. 'Lean body mass' is also known as the muscle mass created by lifting weights. As you can see, it's important for every women to add in some type of weight lifting into their workout program, just like you would find at one of the Chandler boot camps. If you exercise by only running or walking fast, that won't increase your muscle mass, however it will burn calories. Your metabolism also diminishes with loss of muscle mass. Over time, all this adds up to an out of shape and over weight body with weakened bones. That doesn't sound very appealing.
What have you learned? At any age, it truly is never too late to start lifting weights to get those muscles firm. Don't let foolish thinking slow down the progress you could make by lifting some weights. It's not just for men. Every woman should incorporate some weights into their daily fitness routine for health reasons alone, just like current clients in Chandler bootcamp.
Learn more fitness tips from the Chandler Personal Trainers in Chandler bootcamps!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Speedy Results in Chandler Boot Camp
The speedier the results, the better. Women don't want to wait forever to see results. Without fail every year women are seeking ways to firm up and lose weight. Even after bathing suit season. Chandler Boot Camp provides a natural and safe way to exercise in a fun boot camp setting. When women put the extra effort into their fat loss fitness routine, some have lost inches of pure fat in a month. It's easy to see how women are replacing fat with sculpted muscles by using their own bodies as weights, ramping up their cardio, and training with free weights.
Chandler Boot Camps provide its clients with amazing results when women follow the guidlelines of the exercises and nutrition portion to a tee. You will physically look better simply by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone a little each time. This why having professional Chandler personal trainers is awesome. If you workout alone you're less likely to push yourself as hard then you would if you had personal trainers guiding you through your workouts. When you are engaged in an intense session of boot camp it makes your body blast unwanted calories and fat while reving up your metabolism.
Focusing on your nutrition plan is just as important as your workouts, especially if you want to see drastic changes in the way your body looks. Protein is a must of you are want to see sculpted healthy lean muscles, and make sure to get lots of it! Also, when you cut out starches and sugar, it forces your body to use that stored up fat in your reserves as it needs energy to burn when you are working out in an intense session of exercises that boot camp provides.
Body Envy Boot Camp never fails to provide its clients with an awesome workout, as ladies leave feeling good that they've worked hard towards their fitness goals. When you see how quickly the results appear from exercising in Body Envy Boot Camp you'll want to continue your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With a proper nutrition plan combined with workouts you'll be on your way to being fabulous and fit in no time. Make sure you visit Body Envy Boot Camps for Women to see what we can do for you.
Chandler Boot Camps provide its clients with amazing results when women follow the guidlelines of the exercises and nutrition portion to a tee. You will physically look better simply by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone a little each time. This why having professional Chandler personal trainers is awesome. If you workout alone you're less likely to push yourself as hard then you would if you had personal trainers guiding you through your workouts. When you are engaged in an intense session of boot camp it makes your body blast unwanted calories and fat while reving up your metabolism.
Focusing on your nutrition plan is just as important as your workouts, especially if you want to see drastic changes in the way your body looks. Protein is a must of you are want to see sculpted healthy lean muscles, and make sure to get lots of it! Also, when you cut out starches and sugar, it forces your body to use that stored up fat in your reserves as it needs energy to burn when you are working out in an intense session of exercises that boot camp provides.
Body Envy Boot Camp never fails to provide its clients with an awesome workout, as ladies leave feeling good that they've worked hard towards their fitness goals. When you see how quickly the results appear from exercising in Body Envy Boot Camp you'll want to continue your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With a proper nutrition plan combined with workouts you'll be on your way to being fabulous and fit in no time. Make sure you visit Body Envy Boot Camps for Women to see what we can do for you.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Rev up Your Metabolism
Are you currently witnessing a metabolic slow down? A metabolism that's barely moving is a sure sign of zero fat loss. Your body needs you to do something! Attending our Chandler Boot Camp fitness program would help you boost your metabolism, but we'll go over a few other things as well.
First off, you have to realize you have the capability to get that slow metabolism kicked up a few notches. It simply isn't possible to get into jaw dropping shape with a slow metabolism. How do we put a fire under your metabolism? There are two main keys to keep in mind.
1) Eat
You read it right...Eat! A sluggish metabolism will increase the more frequently and often you eat. Now you can't sit down to a meal of french fries and hot dogs all the time and expect to lose weight. But with a proper diet rich in foods with protein, you will without a doubt see a frisky metabolism. Simply by spreading out those proper meals to small 5-7 meals all through out the day, your body will automatically fire up your internal furnace, known as your metabolism.
The point I'm trying to make is this...similar to how fire burns wood, your body will burn meals that are smaller. By consuming a large high calorie meal, is the same as putting a big oak tree on a small fire. The conclusion: the fire will be smothered out.
On the other hand, if you put several smaller meals in your body through out the day, it's like putting kindling on a are producing a fuel for instant warmth.
You see, small frequent meals and snacks keep the fire ignited (your metabolism). On the other hand, the big logs (high calorie meals) smother out the fire. We are looking to feel the burn! We can turn up our body's heat by simply eating frequent small meals.
2) Exercise.
Not only does exercise blast away unwanted calories, it gets rid of fat. Not too much of a big surprise. Joining a fitness program like Arizona's Chandler Boot Camp is the best solution to burn fat and calories. "More calories out vs. calories in." That's the basic underlying principle, but there are many other factors that come into play. Lets keep this really easy.
Challenging interval style types of exercises can keep anyone burning calories all through out the day. You have to realize that muscle is an active tissue. This means that it requires calories to maintain it's life. Roughly 40-50 calories per pound of muscle is an estimate on how many calories your body requires per day to sustain it. That might not sound like much, but what if you added 5-10 lbs of lean muscle to your body? You could have the possibility to burn an extra 250-550- calories per day. That is a lot of extra calories! Especially when that happens naturally from having higher muscle mass levels and no additional activity is required....bonus!
Performing exercises that use resistance is the best way to build muscle that burns calories...a.k.a. weight training. If you haven't, then you should make it a point to combine resistance training to your fitness program. Resistance based exercise programs are superior to cardio based activities for supporting your metabolism.
When you incorporate moderate to heavy weights in your fitness routine, you will increase your resting metabolic rate. It is estimated that your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is responsible for roughly 60-70% of your daily energy expenditure. Anything you can do to raise your RMR will have the greatest net effect on your fat loss efforts. From an exercise view, nothing compares to resistance training as far as impact.
Cardiovascular exercise will also help elevate a slow metabolism. Your body will continue to burn additional calories, sometimes hours after you have finished your workout. The more intense (effort) your workout is, the longer your metabolism will continue burning calories at an accelerated rate.
You'll see what happens to your slow metabolic rate when you start to hit your resistance and cardio training with some intense effort. You should begin to notice positive changes to your metabolic rate within a few weeks of applying proper nutrition and a resistance based exercise program. Incorporate some cardiovascular intervals, like at Chandler Boot Camp training, to the mix when you are ready and the skies the limit.
You'll want to eat a diet with healthy foods and sufficient amounts of protein all through out the day. Frequency of eating will bring a slow metabolism back from the dead.
Visit for more fitness information.
First off, you have to realize you have the capability to get that slow metabolism kicked up a few notches. It simply isn't possible to get into jaw dropping shape with a slow metabolism. How do we put a fire under your metabolism? There are two main keys to keep in mind.
1) Eat
You read it right...Eat! A sluggish metabolism will increase the more frequently and often you eat. Now you can't sit down to a meal of french fries and hot dogs all the time and expect to lose weight. But with a proper diet rich in foods with protein, you will without a doubt see a frisky metabolism. Simply by spreading out those proper meals to small 5-7 meals all through out the day, your body will automatically fire up your internal furnace, known as your metabolism.
The point I'm trying to make is this...similar to how fire burns wood, your body will burn meals that are smaller. By consuming a large high calorie meal, is the same as putting a big oak tree on a small fire. The conclusion: the fire will be smothered out.
On the other hand, if you put several smaller meals in your body through out the day, it's like putting kindling on a are producing a fuel for instant warmth.
You see, small frequent meals and snacks keep the fire ignited (your metabolism). On the other hand, the big logs (high calorie meals) smother out the fire. We are looking to feel the burn! We can turn up our body's heat by simply eating frequent small meals.
2) Exercise.
Not only does exercise blast away unwanted calories, it gets rid of fat. Not too much of a big surprise. Joining a fitness program like Arizona's Chandler Boot Camp is the best solution to burn fat and calories. "More calories out vs. calories in." That's the basic underlying principle, but there are many other factors that come into play. Lets keep this really easy.
Challenging interval style types of exercises can keep anyone burning calories all through out the day. You have to realize that muscle is an active tissue. This means that it requires calories to maintain it's life. Roughly 40-50 calories per pound of muscle is an estimate on how many calories your body requires per day to sustain it. That might not sound like much, but what if you added 5-10 lbs of lean muscle to your body? You could have the possibility to burn an extra 250-550- calories per day. That is a lot of extra calories! Especially when that happens naturally from having higher muscle mass levels and no additional activity is required....bonus!
Performing exercises that use resistance is the best way to build muscle that burns calories...a.k.a. weight training. If you haven't, then you should make it a point to combine resistance training to your fitness program. Resistance based exercise programs are superior to cardio based activities for supporting your metabolism.
When you incorporate moderate to heavy weights in your fitness routine, you will increase your resting metabolic rate. It is estimated that your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is responsible for roughly 60-70% of your daily energy expenditure. Anything you can do to raise your RMR will have the greatest net effect on your fat loss efforts. From an exercise view, nothing compares to resistance training as far as impact.
Cardiovascular exercise will also help elevate a slow metabolism. Your body will continue to burn additional calories, sometimes hours after you have finished your workout. The more intense (effort) your workout is, the longer your metabolism will continue burning calories at an accelerated rate.
You'll see what happens to your slow metabolic rate when you start to hit your resistance and cardio training with some intense effort. You should begin to notice positive changes to your metabolic rate within a few weeks of applying proper nutrition and a resistance based exercise program. Incorporate some cardiovascular intervals, like at Chandler Boot Camp training, to the mix when you are ready and the skies the limit.
You'll want to eat a diet with healthy foods and sufficient amounts of protein all through out the day. Frequency of eating will bring a slow metabolism back from the dead.
Visit for more fitness information.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Results Starting Now.
Women these days would rather not wait a lifetime to start seeing changes in their bodies, they want to see results as quickly as possible. Without fail every year women are seeking ways to firm up and lose weight. This is where a women's fitness program like Chandler Boot Camp can help you to not only lose the weight but do it naturally and in a fun and safe environment.
Women have lost inches of fat in a month's time with sweat and hard work. It's easy to see how women are replacing fat with sculpted muscles by using their own bodies as weights, ramping up their cardio, and training with free weights.
Putting intense physical demands on your body makes it so that your body has no choice but to use up energy, in the form of fat which is why Chandler Boot Camp provides its clients with amazing results. You will physically look better simply by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone a little each time. This is why professional Chandler personal trainers are a key to your success. Personal fitness trainers have the experience required to encourage and motivate you to push yourself farther than you would do if you were by yourself, and of course to help you achieve proper form so as not to hurt yourself. When you are engaged in an intense session of boot camp it makes your body blast unwanted calories and fat while reving up your metabolism.
If you are looking to see changes in your body appearance then you must focus on your nutrition plan in addition to your workouts. Protein is a must if you want to see sculpted healthy lean muscles, and by the way, make sure to get lots of protein! If you cut out starches and sugar, it forces your body to use the fat as energy to burn during an intense session of boot camp.
Chandler Boot Camp never fails to provide its clients with an awesome workout, as ladies leave feeling good that they've worked hard towards their fitness goals. When you see how quickly the results appear from exercising in Chandler Boot Camp you'll want to continue your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With determination, boot camp workouts, and a proper nutrition plan in place you'll be fit and toned in no time.
For more information visit
Women have lost inches of fat in a month's time with sweat and hard work. It's easy to see how women are replacing fat with sculpted muscles by using their own bodies as weights, ramping up their cardio, and training with free weights.
Putting intense physical demands on your body makes it so that your body has no choice but to use up energy, in the form of fat which is why Chandler Boot Camp provides its clients with amazing results. You will physically look better simply by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone a little each time. This is why professional Chandler personal trainers are a key to your success. Personal fitness trainers have the experience required to encourage and motivate you to push yourself farther than you would do if you were by yourself, and of course to help you achieve proper form so as not to hurt yourself. When you are engaged in an intense session of boot camp it makes your body blast unwanted calories and fat while reving up your metabolism.
If you are looking to see changes in your body appearance then you must focus on your nutrition plan in addition to your workouts. Protein is a must if you want to see sculpted healthy lean muscles, and by the way, make sure to get lots of protein! If you cut out starches and sugar, it forces your body to use the fat as energy to burn during an intense session of boot camp.
Chandler Boot Camp never fails to provide its clients with an awesome workout, as ladies leave feeling good that they've worked hard towards their fitness goals. When you see how quickly the results appear from exercising in Chandler Boot Camp you'll want to continue your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With determination, boot camp workouts, and a proper nutrition plan in place you'll be fit and toned in no time.
For more information visit
Monday, September 06, 2010
Ladies, Don't Under Eat!

Some women fall into the trap of not eating enough because they think it will make them thin. This is a very unhealthy way to lose weight and besides it doesn't work. As soon as you do eat 'normally' again you will gain all the weight back, and then some.
A question that most women ask in boot camp is: How many calories should I be eating?
For women to lose body fat, you do need a slight deficit in the calories you consume which is around 10-11 calories per pound of body weight. However, I find that women are under eating, especially protein, and are under the minimum 10-11 calories per pound mentioned above. So what does that do to your bodies ability to lose fat? It creates a domino effect of negative reactions to losing any body fat at all.
Here is what under eating does to your body:
~ Slow your metabolic rate considerably (up to 30%)
~ Sacrifice (tear down) muscle for energy. Not good!
~ Decrease thyroid levels
~ Cause hunger pangs…a starving mechanism so you’ll eat.
~ Lower testosterone levels. I know you’re a girl, but testosterone is still important.
~ Cause nutritional GAPS. You’re not getting enough of the right nutrients to support metabolic functions.
~ Cause fatigue. You have no energy to exercise at the intensity that you need to be.
~ Increased insulin response from low protein meals. You want it low.
~ Cortisol levels increased from putting your body in “stress” starvation mode.
~ Serotonin levels sharply decrease causing sugar cravings! A biggie ladies!!
Under eating or starving yourself also causes other problems as well. It's not hard to see that you shouldn't go overboard when cutting your calories. It is important rather that you include a good source of lean protein each time you eat your daily meals and snacks. You should be eating at least 5 times per day!
For more helpful information on living a healthy lifestyle, visit Body Envy Boot Camp.
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