Some women fall into the trap of not eating enough because they think it will make them thin. This is a very unhealthy way to lose weight and besides it doesn't work. As soon as you do eat 'normally' again you will gain all the weight back, and then some.
A question that most women ask in boot camp is: How many calories should I be eating?
For women to lose body fat, you do need a slight deficit in the calories you consume which is around 10-11 calories per pound of body weight. However, I find that women are under eating, especially protein, and are under the minimum 10-11 calories per pound mentioned above. So what does that do to your bodies ability to lose fat? It creates a domino effect of negative reactions to losing any body fat at all.
Here is what under eating does to your body:
~ Slow your metabolic rate considerably (up to 30%)
~ Sacrifice (tear down) muscle for energy. Not good!
~ Decrease thyroid levels
~ Cause hunger pangs…a starving mechanism so you’ll eat.
~ Lower testosterone levels. I know you’re a girl, but testosterone is still important.
~ Cause nutritional GAPS. You’re not getting enough of the right nutrients to support metabolic functions.
~ Cause fatigue. You have no energy to exercise at the intensity that you need to be.
~ Increased insulin response from low protein meals. You want it low.
~ Cortisol levels increased from putting your body in “stress” starvation mode.
~ Serotonin levels sharply decrease causing sugar cravings! A biggie ladies!!
Under eating or starving yourself also causes other problems as well. It's not hard to see that you shouldn't go overboard when cutting your calories. It is important rather that you include a good source of lean protein each time you eat your daily meals and snacks. You should be eating at least 5 times per day!
For more helpful information on living a healthy lifestyle, visit Body Envy Boot Camp.
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